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Transport Workers Union Local 250A

1508 Fillmore St. #211 ,  San Francisco, CA 94115

Phone (415) 922 - 9495

Paycheck Committee

The Paycheck Committee of TWU Local 250A is chaired by Secretary-Treasurer Michael Dennis. Watch this space for short, informative video clips on a variety of topics relating to our paychecks. The Paycheck Committee is a volunteer group, committed to understanding our complicated paycheck stubs and to helping other members learn and to be able to understand their paycheck stubs.


Committee meetings will take place in small, socially distanced groups. Only by completely understanding our paycheck stubs will we be able to catch paycheck mistakes, underpays, and any other discrepancies that may occur. Our hope is to have active committee members at each bus barn, and across the membership. Please email Michael Dennis if you are interested in joining the Paycheck Committee. All are encouraged and welcomed.


Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 3:00 pm by reservation.


RVSP with Michael Dennis at to sign up for meeting attendance, or to request a day/time that is convenient to meet.



Lunch Pay Calculator Form     Pay Stub Legend  Minutes to Decimals Chart