
Important Ruling on Propostion G — Key Items Overturned!

On April 30, 2013, Administrative Law Judge Donn Ginoza of the Public Employment Relations Board overturned several items of Proposition G. Please read the official news release from TWU.


There have been some recent troubling revelations discovered regarding the arbitration process that took place during collective bargaining for MUNI transit operators in 2011.

On January 23, 2012, a meeting took place between the TWU Local 250A executive administration, their legal representative, and members of the SFMTA along with their legal representation, to clarify and ensure the validity of the imposed contract as well as the arbitration process that took place.

Three key findings were revealed during the meeting. 1). The contract for 2011-2014 was never officially signed by any TWU Local 250A representative, nor signed by any authorized representative of the SFMTA. 2). A full board to oversee arbitration proceedings was never appointed under the required stipulations of Section A8.409-4(b) of the SF City Charter. 3). Required evidentiary hearings in the event of failure to agree to the contract by both parties, never took place.

On January 26, 2012, our attorney made the request to resume meeting and conferring in a letter to the City Attorney’s office. As of February 22, 2012, there has been no response received by TWU Local 250A.

Consequently the Union has filed a legal petition (verified and signed February 23, 2012) with the Superior Court, State of California, in the City and County of San Francisco on February 23, 2012 to contest the legality of the imposed contract. Proof of Service Summmons for the City and County of San Francisco and the SFMTA have been served as of February 23, 2012.